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Peekaboo At-Home Early Gender DNA Test


The Peekaboo At-Home Gender Test kit determines your baby’s sex as early as 6 weeks into pregnancy.

    The Peekaboo Gender Test is over 99% accurate*
    Simple at-home gender test – no doctor’s visit required
    Choose Express turnaround for our fastest VIP service
   Choose from Click (arm collection) or Lancet (finger collection)

Select a Kit Type:

The easy, pain-free gender test kit with a collection device that goes on your arm.

Our original gender test kit that utilizes finger-prick blood collection method.

SPRINGFLASH discount is reflected in above pricing.

Accurate icon
Over 99% Accurate

Proven over 99% accurate* starting at 6 weeks in clinical trials–the earliest pregnancy gender test!

Time icon
Fast Results

Secure results as soon as same day after your blood sample for gender is received at the lab.

Money icon
Money-Back Guarantee

If your baby’s gender test results are incorrect, we guarantee your money back.

At-Home Gender Test kit

Choose Your Collection Method


The easy, pain-free gender test kit with a collection device that goes on your arm.

Explore Click StandardExplore Click Express


Our original gender test kit with finger-prick blood collection method.

Explore Lancet StandardExplore Lancet Express

Comparison Guide

Click Standard

Collection Method:
Arm blood draw device


  • Virtually painless
  • Little to no risk of male DNA contamination
  • Standard shipping each way and Next Day results once samples are received

Click Express

Collection Method:
Arm blood draw device


  • Virtually painless
  • Little to no risk of male DNA contamination
  • Overnight shipping each way and Same Day results once samples are received

Lancet Standard

Collection Method:
Finger prick


  • Low pain
  • Low–medium risk of male DNA contamination
  • Standard shipping each way and Next Day results once samples are received

Lancet Express

Collection Method:
Finger prick


  • Low pain
  • Low–medium risk of male DNA contamination
  • Overnight shipping each way and Same Day results once samples are received.

Simple At-Home Collection


Purchase the lancet test or the Click arm device test. Register your kit online before you ship your sample—this is required to retrieve your baby gender test results.


Send your sample back to our lab in the included pre-paid packaging when at home gender test collection is complete.


After your DNA sample is received and processed at our lab, we will deliver your secure test results in as soon as the same day!*

Accurate results, sent right to your inbox.

Or to a friend to keep secret until the gender reveal party!
Peekaboo Analysis Report results

The Science Behind Peekaboo

Our labs have the most advanced DNA-extraction technology available, giving you accurate results, even in samples with low levels of fetal DNA.

Endorsed by The American Pregnancy Association

When can I take Peekaboo?

Enter the first day of your last period using this pregnancy calculator to see if you're able to take the test.

You are eligible to take the test on or after...

Over 20 Million Tests and Counting

Peekaboo's trusted, accredited lab and experienced in-house PhD teams have performed over 20 million tests worldwide.

What Moms are Saying about Peekaboo

Prefer to avoid possible male DNA contamination and have a professional collect your sample? Choose from our hundreds of partner provider locations across the country.

Find a Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the Peekaboo early gender reveal test safe for my pregnancy?

A: The Peekaboo early gender blood test is absolutely safe for both pregnant women and their babies-to-be. Peekaboo products utilize a type of non-invasive prenatal testing that allows mothers to accurately determine whether they will have a boy or girl. All that is required for testing is a small blood sample from the mother.

Q: How early in pregnancy can the Peekaboo early gender blood test be performed?

A: Peekaboo offers the earliest gender detection of any DNA-based test and can be performed as soon as 6 weeks into the pregnancy with over 99% accuracy.*. Our superior equipment and testing methodology make this possible. Use the Eligibility Calculator on this page to learn when you can determine whether you’re having a boy or girl. The Peekaboo Early Gender Test is not validated for gender prediction earlier than 6 weeks. Learn more about the science.

Q: How accurate is my result if I find out I was earlier than 6 weeks pregnant at the time of my blood draw?

A: Peekaboo early gender DNA tests may be taken as early as 6 weeks into a pregnancy or later. Accuracy at earlier times is unknown. There is an increased risk of incorrect female gender test results prior to 6 weeks’ gestation, as the fetal DNA could be below the detection limit of the assay.

Q: How fast do I get my Peekaboo Gender Test kit and what about shipping?

A: Shipping for the Peekaboo Gender Test is free, and orders placed before 4:30pm Eastern ship same day! Peekaboo Standard kits will arrive within 2-5 business days (not including weekends). Express kits are sent via 1-business-day shipping. All at home gender test orders include a pre-paid return shipping envelope back to our lab, with return shipping time dependent on which gender prediction product was purchased (Standard vs. Express).

Q: Does the Peekaboo test offer an accuracy guarantee?

A: We know how important this gender prediction test is to you and promise to provide the earliest, fastest, and most accurate gender DNA-test results on the market. We’re so confident in the accuracy of the Peekaboo test that we offer a 100% money-back guarantee if your baby’s gender doesn’t match your blood test result.

Q: What is the science behind the Peekaboo early gender reveal test?

A: DDC scientists isolate cell-free fetal DNA from the mother’s blood, followed by amplification of both Y-chromosome and autosomal-specific regions using the latest quantitative real-time PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) technology. To determine the baby’s sex, analysts look for the presence of the Y chromosome, which only males have. If the Y chromosome is present, then the baby is a boy; if it is not present, then it’s a girl! Learn more about PCR. Learn more about the science of Peekaboo.

Q: Do gender blood tests work for twins?

A: Gender blood tests are not validated for multi-fetal pregnancies. If you are expecting twins or other multiples, we suggest relying instead on ultrasound and ultrasound 4D for determination of your babies’ sexes.

Q: I want to have a gender-reveal party! Should I go ahead and schedule it for when my test results are due?

A: We understand Peekaboo is an important test for our customers, which is why we keep test times to a minimum. Before scheduling your gender-reveal party, please consider possible shipping delays or the need for additional sample testing. We suggest waiting to schedule your party until you have your test report in hand.

Q: What can I do to prepare for at home testing?

A: There are 4 steps we recommend following prior to performing the blood sample-collection process for the Peekaboo gender test.

  1. Hydrate well: The kit’s “Instructions for Use” recommend drinking a full 8 ounces of water 20 minutes prior to collecting your blood sample. This helps blood flow faster and can help to reduce blood test collection time. Drinking water prior to collection also helps the blood sample to mix with the preservative in the vial more effectively. Don’t skip this essential step!
  2. Wash surfaces in testing area: Wash your counter or kitchen table thoroughly with water and mild soap prior to blood test collection.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly: Make sure to scrub every bit of your hands gently, but completely, as outlined in the kit’s “Instructions for Use;” we also suggest using a nail brush to clean under your fingernails.
  4. Dry your hands: Don’t use a communal kitchen towel! Instead, you can either air-dry or use a clean paper towel.
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Q: I’m not 6 weeks pregnant yet. Can I buy the test now and then use it later?

A: Yes, you can! Just be sure to leave the plastic wrap on the box and use it any time before the expiration date printed on the kit.

Q: How are urine-based gender predictor tests different?

A: A pregnant mom’s urine contains no fetal sex-specific characteristics, such as fetal DNA or hormones. Any urine test that claims predict your baby’s gender is likely inaccurate. Detection of male fetal DNA is necessary for any reliable and scientifically-sound gender test.

The Peekaboo Early Gender DNA Test looks for the presence of the Y chromosome in the baby’s DNA which begins circulating in the mother’s blood very early in pregnancy, which determines whether the mother is having a boy or girl. This is the most reliable, scientifically-proven, and accurate process for early gender detection.

Q: How can I predict my baby's gender without a blood test?

A: There are many wives’ tales that claim to predict a baby’s sex. Some examples include the baking soda test, the red cabbage gender test, the wedding ring gender test, and more. While these at home “tests” that aim to predict a baby’s sex can be a fun experiment to try, they have no scientific merit and are no better at gender prediction than a mother’s natural instinct.

When it comes to determining the gender of a baby during pregnancy, the only reliable methods include a diagnostic test like the Peekaboo Early Gender DNA Test, a prenatal screening such as NIPT testing, or if you’re willing to wait up to 20 weeks to find out if it’s a boy or girl, an anatomy scan via ultrasound.

Q: Is this product available to New York state residents?

A: Per New York state regulations, we cannot process samples that are collected and mailed from New York state. We do not ship at-home Peekaboo kits to customers in New York state. However, New York state residents may choose to have a sample collected by a professional clinic in New York state – find a Peekaboo Pro provider now

If you live in New York and have acquired a Peekaboo at-home test kit through another marketplace or from a friend, you must collect and mail your sample outside New York. If your return package’s tracking information indicates that it was mailed from New York state, we are unfortunately unable to run your test.

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